In Good Health

The Colorado Health Foundation’s blog is designed to share perspectives, personal stories and what we are learning in our efforts to ensure that, across Colorado, each of us can say: “We have all we need to live healthy lives.”

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Across Colorado there are many people doing the work to make health and well-being easier to access for their communities – and all Coloradans. These community pillars collaborate with nonprofits, government agencies and businesses to remove the barriers that keep those with less power, privilege and income from having what they need to live how they want to live. Through...


Simply put, people need good food to live healthy lives. And in La Plata County, where the cost of living is 270% higher than the national average, access to affordable, nutritious food is crucial.

That's where the Good Food Collective comes in. They're increasing access to healthy foods by serving as a farm-to-food access hub, partnering with local farmers to...

Food Access

A new year is underway. I hope each of you had a restful and rejuvenating holiday season and a gentle start to 2024. As we at the Foundation have gotten back into the swing of things, we welcome the new year with a renewed commitment to health equity. Over the past few years, many organizations have pulled back from equity...

Foundation Evolution
Health Equity

Every year, the Dr. Virgilio Licona Community Health Leadership Award recognizes a Coloradan who is breaking down health barriers, changing systems, empowering their community, and fighting for health equity. Named for Dr. Virgilio Licona, this award is part of his legacy as a physician and expert in migrant health and rural healthcare delivery. The award recipient receives a $20,000...

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